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Message: Popping out of second gear nearly all the time

Changed By: ouroboros
Change Date: June 18, 2013 03:00PM

Popping out of second gear nearly all the time
Hi Guys,

The DD is at the garage so I've been having some fun with the Boxster. 2004 S 500 SE.
It's only got 26K miles on it and second will not stay engaged. It's popping out under any type acceleration. If I hold it in, it seems to engage after acceleration and with a little bit of crunching and is then okay.

However some pretty nasty crunching is going on when it's not engaging!
/popping out!

Pretty sure this didn't start re wear (although the recent crunching over the past few days may not have helped!).
see there is quite a bit on the net re this. Would be grateful if anyone could advise on how likely is to be worn be worn linkage centers (it's very hot where I live) or if these detents are worth asking about when I take it to the garage?


Original Message

Author: ouroboros
Date: June 18, 2013 02:56PM

Popping out of second gear nearly all the time
Hi Guys,

The DD is at the garage so I've been having some fun with the Boxster. 2004 S 500 SE.
It's only got 26K miles on it and second will not stay engaged. It's popping out under any type acceleration. If I hold it in, it seems to engage after acceleration and crunching and is then okay.
However some pretty nasty crunching going on when it's not engaging!

Pretty sure this didn't start re wear (although the recent crunching over the past few days may not have helped!).
I see there is quite a bit on the net re this. Would be grateful if anyone could advise on how likely is to be worn be worn linkage centers (it's very hot where I live) or if these detents are worth asking about when I take it to the garage?
