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Message: Same here (oh, the numbers change a bit)

Changed By: grant
Change Date: June 25, 2013 12:02PM

Same here (oh, the numbers change a bit)
But i always change at roughly 1/2 the manufacturer's spec. As a bud who formulates oil for a mahjor reminds everyone who will (or wont) listen, "everyone's driving qualifies as severe service".

Ive kept cars for up to 300k. I have never had a lubrication related failure, or even any significant wear, really.

For my track driven cars i cut even the shortened interval (typically to 3-4k, including 3-4 trackl events plus normal use).

Adn, as i keep harping on, use oil that suits YOUR use, not some theoretical norm.

As we all know, i'm nto normal :-)

back to the OP question,. its still not clear why one would need to change the filter every time in an accelerated change routine. I dont, and i dont see any fact-based reason to do so.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: June 25, 2013 12:01PM

Same here (oh, the numbers change a bit)
But i always change at roughly 1/2 the manufacturer's spec. As a bud who formulates oil for a mahjor reminds everyone who will (or wont) listen, "everyone's driving qualifies as severe service".

Ive kept cars for up to 300k. I have never had a lubrication related failure, or even any significant wear, really.

For my track driven cars i cut even the shortened interval (typically to 3-4k, including 3-4 trackl events plus normal use).

Adn, as i keep harping on, use oil that suits YOUR use, not some theoretical norm.

As we all know, i'm nto normal :-)
