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Message: You may try here for this "secret" data and my Attack Letter

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: June 27, 2013 09:00AM

You may try here for this "secret" data and my Attack Letter
[url=http://www.fightingchance.com/]FIghting Chance[/url]

I used these guys a long time ago and was floored by the data they had. That number you mention mark Marc is I think called "holdback" and it is just one of many incentive systems that goes factory to dealer. I know for Porsche, well it used to be this way, moving inventory well then gave the dealer choice on the next year allocation of cars. In other words, dealers have other reasons to discount and move cars than just recieving direct payments from the factory.

Fighting Chance sells you all this up-to-the-month data. I have no affiliation with them other than I purchased their services about 10 years ago. They do deliver on their promise for secret information. The problem with this data about Porsche is they are such a low volume, luxury brand that the factory has huge power over dealers and therefore dealers tend to have less flexibility when cutting deals than say a high-volume Chevy or Toyota dealer.

The other thing Fighting Chance recommends is a "Fax Attack" (probably updated now to email). I used this technique three times with amazing success. It is kind of a reverse auction... you let the dealers bid on a car for you. I sent emails to dealers all within a 1.5 hour drive of me (in Philly, that ends up being around 15 dealers) with a letter describes EXACTLY what you want and the DAY YOU WILL BUY. Then describe what you are flexible on such as color or options. Sit back and watch the offers poor in. Interestingly, the dealers local to you (I put my address in the there) won't respond for obvious reasons. The ones farthest from you will have really low prices as they have no hope of getting you to come in.... they see this as a way of "moving a unit" to achieve the other incentives in place from the factory.

I purchased my wife's' new Lexus this way, a friend's used Saab this way as well as provided the letter to other friends who used this successfully.

Click here for the letter I used for my Lexus purchase:

[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/LexusBidLtr.doc]Click Here for the Letter[/url]

Happy hunting,
Bruce In Philly

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: June 27, 2013 08:48AM

You may try here for this "secret" data and my Attack Letter
[url=http://www.fightingchance.com/]FIghting Chance[/url]

I used these guys a long time ago and was floored by the data they had. That number you mention mark is I think called "holdback" and it is just one of many incentive systems that goes factory to dealer. I know for Porsche, well it used to be this way, moving inventory well then gave the dealer choice on the next year allocation of cars. In other words, dealers have other reasons to discount and move cars than just recieving direct payments from the factory.

Fighting Chance sells you all this up-to-the-month data. I have no affiliation with them other than I purchased their services about 10 years ago. They do deliver on their promise for secret information. The problem with this data about Porsche is they are such a low volume, luxury brand that the factory has huge power over dealers and therefore dealers tend to have less flexibility when cutting deals than say a high-volume Chevy or Toyota dealer.

The other thing Fighting Chance recommends is a "Fax Attack" (probably updated now to email). I used this technique three times with amazing success. It is kind of a reverse auction... you let the dealers bid on a car for you. I sent emails to dealers all within a 1.5 hour drive of me (in Philly, that ends up being around 15 dealers) with a letter describes EXACTLY what you want and the DAY YOU WILL BUY. Then describe what you are flexible on such as color or options. Sit back and watch the offers poor in. Interestingly, the dealers local to you (I put my address in the there) won't respond for obvious reasons. The ones farthest from you will have really low prices as they have no hope of getting you to come in.... they see this as a way of "moving a unit" to achieve the other incentives in place from the factory.

I purchased my wife's' new Lexus this way, a friend's used Saab this way as well as provided the letter to other friends who used this successfully.

Click here for the letter I used for my Lexus purchase:

[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/LexusBidLtr.doc]Click Here for the Letter[/url]

Happy hunting,
Bruce In Philly