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Message: Perfect combustion of any gas results in CO2 +H2O. The ETOH problem is, as i recall, defferent

Changed By: grant
Change Date: July 05, 2013 08:17AM

Perfect combustion of any gas results in CO2 +H2O. The ETOH problem is, as i recall, defferent
It has to do with ETOH's (Ethanol) ability to mix/dissolve with water. You may recall that "oil and water don't mix" - neither do gasoline and water, since one is polar and the other non-polar. ETOH on the other hand mixes, thus retaining water in the gas rather than allowing it to boil off quickly.
Now, i'll admit i'm not entirely clear on why this is always bad. It seems that having undissolved droplets or a film of water is also bad. But clearly evidence says that ETOH causes problems, and its due to water. In fact, Porsche had a TSB out on it, whcih not, i do not have. It was either printed or summarized in Panorama years ago.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: July 05, 2013 08:05AM

Perfect combustion of any gas results in CO2 +H2O. The ETOH problem is, as i recall, defferent
It has to do with ETOH's (Ethanol) ability to mix/dissolve with water. You may recall that "oil and water don't mix" - neither do gasoline and water, since one is polar and the other non-polar. ETOH on the other hand mixes, thus retaining water in the gas rather than allowing it to boil off quickly.
