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Message: Re: Why I left the DC area

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 12, 2013 09:49PM

Re: Why I left the DC area
Left early one morning from a wedding at The Breakers in W Palm Beach intending to stop maybe in NC. Their computer was down, but they managed to bill me for the room. (Had lunch, a fabulous pompano dinner; and bought clothing, too.) They were to bill the rest later. Anyway, by late in the day I was close to DC but figured I'd stop [i]past[/i] there to avoid whatever incoming rush hour traffic there'd be. Got past DC, and figured ok, let me get past Baltimore. Started having auditory hallucinations in south Jersey (symphony orchestra tuning up) ... stopped for coffee and made it to NYC.... 16 3/4 hours. Never got additional billing from the hotel. Karma?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 12, 2013 09:48PM

Re: Why I left the DC area
Left early one morning from a wedding at The Breakers in W Palm Beach intending to stop maybe in NC. Their computer was down, but they manged to bill me for the room. (Had lunch, a fabulous pompano dinner; and bought clothing, too.) They were to bill the rest later. Anyway, by late in the day I was close to DC but figured I'd stop [i]past[/i] there to avoid whatever incoming rush hour traffic there'd be. Got past DC, and figured ok, let me get past Baltimore. Started having auditory hallucinations in south Jersey (symphony orchestra tuning up) ... stopped for coffee and made it to NYC.... 16 3/4 hours. Never got additional billing from the hotel. Karma?