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Message: Difficult DIY, But Not Impossible

Changed By: bar10dah
Change Date: July 13, 2013 06:14AM

Re: +1Difficult DIY, But Not Impossible
Also, I replaced my top myself with a GAHH. Took about 7.5 hours. Tough, but not beyond reason. Do a lot of reading up on how to do it so you'll better understand everything as you're taking your car apart. Purchase all the parts you'll need to replace/use. Look at a lot of pictures of the job, again so you'll better understand what it is you're doing. Take your own pictures along the way so you know how things are supposed to fit back together. Give yourself plenty of time to do the job leisurely, without rushing. Give yourself two days to do the job, in case you get frustrated and need to take a break, sometimes sleeping on it and getting back to the job the next day will help you see the problem clearer and make the rest of the job easier. And keep the internet up and running so you can ask questions along the way.



Original Message

Author: bar10dah
Date: July 13, 2013 06:13AM

Re: +1
Also, I replaced my top myself with a GAHH. Took about 7.5 hours. Tough, but not beyond reason. Do a lot of reading up on how to do it so you'll better understand everything as you're taking your car apart. Purchase all the parts you'll need to replace/use. Look at a lot of pictures of the job, again so you'll better understand what it is you're doing. Take your own pictures along the way so you know how things are supposed to fit back together. Give yourself plenty of time to do the job leisurely, without rushing. Give yourself two days to do the job, in case you get frustrated and need to take a break, sometimes sleeping on it and getting back to the job the next day will help you see the problem clearer and make the rest of the job easier. And keep the internet up and running so you can ask questions along the way.

