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Message: In any case the dealer has heard it from cold and says effectively, "they all do that."

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 13, 2013 07:18PM

In any case the dealer has heard it from cold and says effectively, "they all do that."
It seems to me it's not what's in the sump, but the actual pressure at the lifter(s.) It does sound like just one, on the driver's side. The dealer didn't specify any particular mechanism; just saying the 9A1 is a noisy engine. And yes, side by side with my old car, the 986 2.7, that one is milder sounding; more clickety than clackety.
Unless the noise comes back within a few cold starts, having the sump exactly topped up, [i]without overfill,[/i] seems to be effective. Btw, the top up oil is the factory fill M1 0-40 Euro.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 13, 2013 07:15PM

In any case the dealer has heard it from cold and says effectively, "they all do that."
It seems to me it's not what's in the sump, but the actual pressure at the lifter(s.) It does sound like just one, on the driver's side. The dealer didn't specify any particular mechanism; just saying the 9A1 is a noisy engine. And yes, side by side with my old car, the 986 2.7, that one is milder sounding; more clickety than clackety.
Unless the noise comes back within a few cold starts, having the sump exactly topped up, [i]without overfill,[/i] seems to be effective.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 13, 2013 07:11PM

In any case the dealer has heard it from cold and says effectively, "they all do that."
It seems to me it's not what's in the sump, but the actual pressure at the lifter(s.) It does sound like just one, on the driver's side. The dealer didn't specify any particular mechanism; just saying the 9A1 is a noisy engine. And yes, side by side with my old car, the 986 2.7, that one is milder sounding; more clickety than clackety.