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Message: Chicken or the egg (not the Chrono version, but the little triangle indicator.)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 14, 2013 01:18PM

Chicken or the egg (not the Chrono version, but the little triangle indicator.)
Curious as to what it would do, it's been activated for the past couple months on mine. I've mentioned before how it indicates an upshift from 5th to 6th as low as about 40-45 mph. Upshifting per its indications diminishes the dynamic and auditory fun of driving the car, but its a bit of a thrill to see the mileage go up. How much it is making me get better mileage vs. what I could do on my own determination is ambiguous. By the way, even when activated in the menu, it deactivates when Sport throttle is on.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 14, 2013 01:10PM

Chicken or the egg
Curious as to what it would do, it's been activated for the past couple months on mine. I've mentioned before how it indicates an upshift from 5th to 6th as low as about 40-45 mph. Upshifting per its indications diminishes the dynamic and auditory fun of driving the car, but its a bit of a thrill to see the mileage go up. How much it is making me get better mileage vs. what I could do on my own determination is ambiguous. By the way, even when activated in the menu, it deactivates when Sport throttle is on.