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Message: Understood, but I find businesses with that word in their name suspect.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 14, 2013 07:11PM

Understood, but I find businesses with that word in their name suspect.
They are presenting themselves to the public with a lie, or at the least, hoping it makes people feel safe with them, yet it's unfounded. So everything coming forth is suspect. In short, it's a bs name.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 14, 2013 07:10PM

Understood, but I find businesses with that word in their name suspect.
n/tThey are presenting themselves to the public with a lie, or at the least, hoping it makes people feel safe with them, yet it's unfounded. So everything coming forth is suspect.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 14, 2013 07:07PM

Understood, but I find businesses with that word in their name suspect.