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Message: Interesting, but no CE or perceptible misfires or stumbles. Dealer says the sound is "normal."

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 15, 2013 04:10AM

Interesting, but no CE or perceptible misfires or stumbles. Dealer says the sound is "normal."
n/tAnd it's been happening pretty much since the car was new. Hard to imagine it left the factory with a bum injector.
It's been quiet since I added the 1/4 quart to exactly top it up.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 15, 2013 04:07AM

Interesting, but no CE or perceptible misfires or stumbles. OKDealer says throttle blips to 3k ore so when cold.und is "normal."

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 15, 2013 03:56AM

Interesting, but no CE or perceptible misfires or stumbles. OK throttle blips to 3k or so when cold.