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Message: Oh, yes, I agree, especially if it's just a quarter quart or so. Oil changes:

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 17, 2013 03:38PM

Oh, yes, I agree, especially if it's just a quarter quart or so. Oil changes:
2100 miles; 12,000; 20,000.
Might Would go for every 5k, but another trip somewhere west might could be happening in the next couple months, so it it might be another 8k or so to the next one.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 17, 2013 03:36PM

Oh, yes, I agree, especially if it's just a quarter quart or so. Oil changes:
2100 miles; 12,000; 20,000.
Might go for every 5k, but another trip somewhere west might be happening in the next couple months, so it it might be another 8k or so to the next one.