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Message: Re: 2003S vs. 2014S

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: July 17, 2013 08:56PM

Re: 2003S vs. 2014S
Just a few observations / comments.

Over the last year, I've gone through the same thought/experiences that you have. I also still don't care for the styling of the mirrors. I love my 987 mirrors much better than on the 981.

I didn't care for the body creases and the side scoops at first either, but after looking at it and studying the 981 over the past year, those features have grown on me. I think to some degree, it's loving something with which you're familiar, like your favourite pair of comfortable shoes. If you bought your Boxster new. You've enjoyed it for 10 years now.

I still absolutely love my 987. It's my fear of not being able to purchase a new Boxster with a manual in the future that's made me do a lot of hard looking, trying out of the new Boxster and finally ordering one. I'd recommend trying out both the Boxster and the Boxster S with different features. I did that on quite a number of occasions. You may find that it grows on you too. I know it has done that for me.

On the other hand, if you drive it on a few occasions and still don't like the new design, I think Laz's point is a good one. You can probably still find a new 2011 or 2012 Boxster out there and even be able to get it at a pretty good deal at this point since the new 981 is selling really well and most people will want the new one, making the older model harder to sell.

Good luck with your decision.

PS, I take it that the "certain life event" that's occurred is a good or even a terrific one. If so, enjoy it and hope you find the car that matches your special event. :)

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: July 17, 2013 04:14PM

Re: 2003S vs. 2014S
Just a few observations / comments.

Over the last year, I've gone through the same thought/experiences that you have. I also still don't care for the styling of the mirrors. I love my 987 mirrors much better than on the 981.

I didn't care for the body creases and the side scoops at first either, but after looking at it and studying the 981 over the past year, those features have grown on me. I think to some degree, it's loving something with which you're familiar, like your favourite pair of comfortable shoes. If you bought your Boxster new. You've enjoyed it for 10 years now.

I still absolutely love my 987. It's my fear of not being able to purchase a new Boxster with a manual in the future that's made me do a lot of hard looking, trying out of the new Boxster and finally ordering one. I'd recommend trying out both the Boxster and the Boxster S with different features. I did that on quite a number of occasions. You may find that it grows on you too. I know it has done that for me.

On the other hand, if drive it on a few occasions and still don't like the new design, I think Laz's point is a good one. You can probably still find a new 2011 or 2012 Boxster out there and even be able to get it at a pretty good deal at this point since the new 981 is selling really well and most people will want the new one, making the older model harder to sell.

Good luck with your decision.

PS, I take it that the "certain life event" that's occurred is a good or even a terrific one. If so, enjoy it and hope you find the car that matches your special event. :)