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Message: Let's think about that....

Changed By: grant
Change Date: July 17, 2013 07:10PM

ActuallyLet's think about that....
The bolts should be lengthened by the same amount as the spacer. So if you use a 10mm spacer, increase the bolt 10mm. You want as much thread, but don't want to bottom out.

I think we are all sick of my low opinion of spacers anyway :-)

As to the added strain - let's think about that. Bolts operate in tension - forcing the wheel against the hub (well, rotor). One force on the wheel is the cornering force at any given moment x radius of the wheel/tire combo. I don't think that changes. But a 2nd force is now applied by the vertical force on the center of the tire, applied at the effective offset (wheel offset plus spacer width). That number does go up. I do nto believe it is as large as the first force, so we're probably mostly ok. of course, no spacer is better in every instance.

Someone check my logic.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: July 17, 2013 07:10PM

The bolts should be lengthened by the same amount as the spacer. So if you use a 10mm spacer, increase the bolt 10mm. You want as much thread, but don't want to bottom out.

I think we are all sick of my low opinion of spacers anyway :-)

As to the added strain - let's think about that. Bolts operate in tension - forcing the wheel against the hub (well, rotor). One force on the wheel is the cornering force at any given moment x radius of the wheel/tire combo. I don't think that changes. But a 2nd force is now applied by the vertical force on the center of the tire, applied at the effective offset (wheel offset plus spacer width). That number does go up. I do nto believe it is as large as the first force, so we're probably mostly ok. of course, no spacer is better in every instance.

Someone check my logic.
