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Message: Ever wonder why the Bose "upgrade" in our cars sucks....

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: July 24, 2013 02:41PM

Ever wonder why the Bose "upgrade" in our cars sucks....
I found this posted on another Porsche forum and I cut and pasted it here. The original poster was "stumil"... The original text was the following:

"see this ink for a critical but well written article from the guys at Stereophile Magazine:"

[url=http://www.analogplanet.com/content/dr-amar-bose-dead-83]Amar Bose Dead at 83[/url]"

You can read the full thread on the other board here:

[url=http://forums.rennlist.com/rennforums/997-forum/767827-ever-wonder-why-the-bose-upgrade-in-our-cars-sucks.html]Original Thread Here[/url]

And of course, I will paste my response (as if it is the most important one) here:

High fidelity audio is near death, only kept barely alive by us older folks with a few bucks.

It is a shame as there is so much beauty to be experienced....

A Practical Reason for HI FI in our cars:

There actually is a very good rational for hi definition audio in our cars: A true HI FI will allow you to listen more comfortably at lower volumes. Our ear/brain system has to filter out ambient sound like wind, tire, and engine noise, as it focuses on music or news. If the stereo sound is accuratly articulated, your brain does less work and therefore you can understand talk better, enjoy music more, all with the volume turned down to a comfortable level. Hi Fi is not about high volumes or thumping bass.
[b]A Practical Reason for HI FI in our cars:[/b]

There actually is a very good rational for hi definition audio in our cars: [b][i]A true HI FI will allow you to listen more comfortably at lower volumes[/i][/b]. Our ear/brain system has to filter out ambient sound like wind, tire, and engine noise, as it focuses on music or news. If the stereo sound is accurately articulated, your brain does less work and therefore you can understand talk better, enjoy music more, all with the volume turned down to a comfortable level. Hi Fi is not about high volumes or thumping bass.

If you read this far and are not an audiophile, were you even aware of the value of Hi Fi in my paragraph above? Most fans of Hi Fi music know this and knew it long ago. The loss of this knowledge is evidence that Amar Bose and Walmart won.

Sad but true.

Bruce in Philly

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: July 24, 2013 02:37PM

Ever wonder why the Bose "upgrade" in our cars sucks....
I found this posted on another Porsche forum and I cut and pasted it here. The original poster was "stumil"... The original text was the following:

"see this ink for a critical but well written article from the guys at Stereophile Magazine:"

[url=http://www.analogplanet.com/content/dr-amar-bose-dead-83]Amar Bose Dead at 83[/url]"

You can read the full thread on the other board here:

[url=http://forums.rennlist.com/rennforums/997-forum/767827-ever-wonder-why-the-bose-upgrade-in-our-cars-sucks.html]Original Thread Here[/url]

And of course, I will paste my response (as if it is the most important one) here:

High fidelity audio is near death, only kept barely alive by us older folks with a few bucks.

It is a shame as there is so much beauty to be experienced....

A Practical Reason for HI FI in our cars:

There actually is a very good rational for hi definition audio in our cars: A true HI FI will allow you to listen more comfortably at lower volumes. Our ear/brain system has to filter out ambient sound like wind, tire, and engine noise, as it focuses on music or news. If the stereo sound is accuratly articulated, your brain does less work and therefore you can understand talk better, enjoy music more, all with the volume turned down to a comfortable level. Hi Fi is not about high volumes or thumping bass.

If you read this far and are not an audiophile, were you even aware of the value of Hi Fi in my paragraph above? Most fans of Hi Fi music know this and knew it long ago. The loss of this knowledge is evidence that Amar Bose and Walmart won.

Sad but true.

Bruce in Philly