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Message: The Bose on my New Holland tractor sucks too

Changed By: TheFarmer
Change Date: July 24, 2013 07:55PM

The Bose on my New Holland tractor sucks too
Come on! If you want to enjoy the beauty of music, what the hell are you doing sitting in a car - any car? OK, so you have to get somewhere... Sit in an Acura or a Bentley and have someone else drive. I don't subscribe to the "beautiful sound of the exhaust", but my base sound system is certainly adequate to hear the news and listen to Keith Richards' Life. Did you figure that you spent lots of money on a car and therefore it should do everything well? I can't even carry a gallon of milk home from the 7-eleven in my Boxster without it tipping over and rolling around. Let's talk about THAT! Or, do you know that I have to use another car to drive my Newfoundlands around? I just can not get 250 lbs of dog into the Boxster. (7 cases of wine are OK). My pitiful Nissan Pathfinder does a so much better job with the dogs, but the sound system is no better - it is a Bose and I can not play my iPhone into it and listen to my books. Even the Scion xD hauls two Newfs AND lets my iPhone serve up my audible books.

I think that we should get back to posting whether Breitling or Rolex is better to have on your wrist while driving your Boxster. Or we can debate which symphony hall is better to drive to to listen to music.

I've got to get onto my tractor and finish mowing the back pastures. At the recent Steam and Tractor show, we had a C-type Jaguar parked in the shade with the other "Old Cars"... My mind is on why someone would drive that up to the local show, park it, leave it sit there unsupervised, and then drive it home. But I surely thank him or her for sharing such a rare item.

Original Message

Author: TheFarmer
Date: July 24, 2013 07:52PM

The Bose on my New Holland tractor sucks too
Come on! If you want to enjoy the beauty of music, what the hell are you doing sitting in a car - any car? OK, so you have to get somewhere... Sit in an Acura or a Bentley and have someone else drive. I don't subscribe to the "beautiful sound of the exhaust", but my base sound system is certainly adequate to hear the news and listen to Keith Richards' Life. Did you figure that you spent lots of money on a car and therefore it should do everything well? I can't even carry a gallon of milk home from the 7-eleven in my Boxster without it tipping over and rolling around. Let's talk about THAT! Or, do you know that I have to use another car to drive my Newfoundlands around? I just can not get 250 lbs of dog into the Boxster. (7 cases of wine are OK). My pitiful Nissan Pathfinder does a so much better job with the dogs, but the sound system is no better - it is a Bose and I can not play my iPhone into it and listen to my books. Even the Scion xD hauls two Newfs AND lets my iPhone serve up my audible books.

I think that we should get back to posting whether Breitling or Rolex is better to have on your wrist while driving your Boxster. Or we can debate which symphony hall is better to drive to to listen to music.

I've got to get onto my tractor and finish mowing the back pastures. At the recent Steam and Tractor show, we had a C-type Jaguar parked in the shade with the other "Old Cars"... My mind is on why someone would drive that up to the local show, park it, leave it sit there unsupervised, and then drive it home. But I surely thank him or her for sharing such a rare item.