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Message: I think Pedro said it all. I'll just add a few points...

Changed By: grant
Change Date: July 25, 2013 09:11AM

I think Pedro said it all. I'll just add a few points...
For the record i run Tech for NNJR-PCA (tech Steward)

1. Running as a newbie in green you wont abuse your brakes too badly. Rule of thumb is pad thicker than the backing plate. Truth is we (I) make adjustments based on the driver, the run group, the track etc. Should you have concerns, but a set of front pads and bring them to the track.
Someone should be willing to help you change them on site if needed - i do it all the time. Be aware that the thinner brake pads get the faster they heat up and wear out - so the 2nd half of material is not the same as the first half.

2. Our rules, and the PCA national recommendations, require a brake fluid flush within 12 months of the event, not two years

3. Agree to start with roughly stock pressures, but measure them after your first session and speak with your instructor. In general dont allow any of them over 40 lbs hot. I try to end up with 34-35F / 36-37R hot on my 986 / 17" street tires.

4. I will chime in for a full face helmet for safety. When i started i bought a budget helmet for $235 and it worked great and had all the right certifications. Key is snell 2010, and it will be good until 10 years later (good through 2019).

Have a great time.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: July 25, 2013 09:10AM

I think Pedro said it all. I'll just add a few points...
For the record i run Tech for NNJR-PCA (tech Steward)

1. Running as a newbie in green you wont abuse your brakes too badly. Rule of thumb is pad thicker than the backing plate. Should you have concerns, but a set of front pads and bring them to the track.

2. Our rules, and the PCA national recommendations, require a brake fluid flush within 12 months of the event, not two years

3. Agree to start with roughly stock pressures, but measure them after your first session and speak with your instructor. In general dont allow any of them over 40 lbs hot. I try to end up with 34-35F / 36-37R hot on my 986 / 17" street tires.

4. I will chime in for a full face helmet for safety. When i started i bought a budget helmet for $235 and it worked great and had all the right certifications. Key is snell 2010, and it will be good until 10 years later (good through 2019).

Have a great time.
