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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.

Message: Re: 981 impressions after the first 600 miles (edit for one more point)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 29, 2013 03:29PM

Re: 981 impressions after the first 600 miles (edit for one more point)
• Yes, it looks like a $150,000 car, and even without that, Boxsters have always been a great value.
• Just a couple days ago, people took pictures of my car at two locations.
• The TechNoWind is much better in more than one parameter than the factory mesh: transparency (literally); field of view (you need all you can get with the 981 Boxster. Don't know if there will be inner deck height issues with the new Cayman, but at least there are no roll bars. In midday sunlight with the top down, there can be a reflection from the center console silver trim (console having the shifter, etc.)
• With recent drives in my old base '01, I find the old shifter smoother, and the idling engine quieter and smoother-sounding. The now-broken-in 3.4 S motor sounds like nothing but a fully-fledged Carrera engine.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 29, 2013 03:21PM

Re: 981 impressions after the first 600 miles
• Yes, it looks like a $150,000 car, and even without that, Boxsters have always been a great value.
• Just a couple days ago, people took pictures of my car at two locations.
• The TechNoWind is much better in more than one parameter than the factory mesh: transparency (literally); field of view (you need all you can get with the 981 Boxster. Don't know if there will be inner deck height issues with the new Cayman, but at least there are no roll bars. In midday sunlight with the top down, there can be a reflection from the center console silver trim (console having the shifter, etc.)