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Message: For everyday street driving purposes at least, the e-steering is superior.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 29, 2013 03:39PM

For everyday street driving purposes at least, the e-steering is superior.
You don't need to feel every bit of texture in the asphalt, with "micro-dancing" of the wheel, which can ultimately be tiring during a long road trip. (Think "GT." ) The "[i]μ[/i]-split torque recommendation" definitely keeps the car straighter under hard braking, especially because most any public road has an "uneven surface" to some degree. Admittedly, loading in turns is less linear than the hydraulic, then again, I'd love to compare it [i]that[/i] to the completely [i]unassisted[/i] steering in the early 911 and 912.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 29, 2013 03:38PM

For everyday street driving purposes at least, the e-steering is superior.
You don't need to feel every bit of texture in the asphalt, with "micro-dancing" of the wheel, which can ultimately be tiring during a long road trip. (Think "GT." ) The "[i]μ[/i]-split torque recommendation" definitely keeps the car straighter under hard braking, especially because most any public road has an "uneven surface" to some degree. Admittedly, loading in turns is less linear than the hydraulic, then again, I'd love to compare it to the completely [i]unassisted[/i] steering in the early 911 and 912.