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Message: Seat belt buckle; thermal management; reflections (addendum)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 29, 2013 05:02PM

Seat belt buckle; thermal management; reflections (addendum)
Yeah, the buckle taps agains the panel. I think it's one of those, "they all do that" things, and doesn't the 986 (and 7?) do that, too?
Porsche has some sophisticated thermal management program to regulate the coolant, engine oil, and transmission temperatures. Somewhere on line, maybe the official site there's a description. I think coolant heating is prioritized, then the oil, then a regulatory heat exchange between the two, along with the coolant and engine compartment fans. Eventually you might catch the e.c. fans stepping down from high to low speed.
It's been mentioned before, there is an issue with reflection on the windshield from the dashboard top vents, both the longitudinal and the lateral ones.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 29, 2013 04:59PM

Seat belt buckle; thermal management
Yeah, the buckle taps agains the panel. I think it's one of those, "they all do that" things, and doesn't the 986 (and 7?) do that, too?
Porsche has some sophisticated thermal management program to regulate the coolant, engine oil, and transmission temperatures. Somewhere on line, maybe the official site there's a description. I think coolant heating is prioritized, then the oil, then a regulatory heat exchange between the two, along with the coolant and engine compartment fans. Eventually you might catch the e.c. fans stepping down from high to low speed.