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Message: With a 986 you are fast approaching the sentimental age at around 10 plus years old. Granted you

Changed By: Jeff (Philly)
Change Date: August 08, 2013 05:28PM

With a 986 you are fast approaching the sentimental age at around 10 plus years old. Granted you
have creature comforts in a 986 like power this, power that and A/C. People do have sentimental reasons for keeping their toys. We have an MGB with antique plates for the occasional sunny day spin, however, my daily driver is a Boxster. You can have both. Our 1974 MGB was purchased new and has traveled with us from DC to California, to the UK and to Paris France then here to Pennsylvania. There is nothing like driving your MGB down a small country road in Wales and getting stuck in a traffic jam behind a flock of sheep or driving down the Champs-Élysées in Paris. in a different sort of traffic jam.

Original Message

Author: Jeff (Philly)
Date: August 08, 2013 05:21PM

With a 986 you are fast approaching the sentimental age at around 10 plus years old. Granted you
have creature comforts in a 986 like power this, power that and A/C. People do have sentimental reasons for keeping their toys. We have an MGB with antique plates for the occasional sunny day spin, however, my daily driver is a Boxster. You can have both. Our 1974 MGB was purchased new and has traveled with us from DC to California, to the UK and to Paris France then here to Pennsylvania. There is nothing like driving your MGB down a small country road in Wales and getting stuck in a traffic jam behind a flock of sheep or driving down the Champs-Élysées in Paris.