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Message: Drove a mint '57 356B for several miles last year.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: August 09, 2013 10:54AM

Drove a mint '57 356B for several miles last year.
Other than a very long shift stick and vagueness, which could be attributable to a need for linkage adjustments, the car had a pretty modern feel. Oh, the steering felt a bit strange, but I think the front end needed a toe adjustment. That day I also drove a 64 Morgan, which other than the on or off pushbutton like clutch, felt good. So did a Jag XK 140. The piggy one of the group was a 57 Vette which was a big, vaguely steering beast with cantankerous fuel injection, a way too long hood and a static seating position that practically put the steering wheel under my chin.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: August 09, 2013 10:53AM

Drove a mint '57 356B for several miles last year.
Other than a very long shift stick and vagueness, which could be attributable to a need for linkage adjustments, the car had a pretty modern feel. That day I also drove a 64 Morgan, which other than the on or off pushbutton like clutch, felt good. So did a Jag XK 140. The piggy one of the group was a 57 Vette which was a big, vaguely steering beast with cantankerous fuel injection, a way too long hood and a static seating position that practically put the steering wheel under my chin.