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Message: Re: Crankshaft Sensor....

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: August 12, 2013 01:18PM

Re: Crankshaft Sensor....
When our crankshaft sensor went, there was also no CEL.

The problem showed up only periodically at first...the car would start fine in the AM. We would run it for about 10 minutes (to get coffee), stop, and would not restart. After waiting for about 30 minutes, it would restart fine and there would not be any problems. As the restarting problem was very sporatic, we did not gagive it much thought. Actually drove it to NYC!

We ran the car this way for a few weeks, then one day, after having driven it for about 5 minutes, it cut out when making a slow left turn. Could not get it restarted after 30 minutes, but it DID restart after letting it sit for 2 hours while waiting for a tow truck to show up.

Drove it home. The local mechanic found the crankshaft position sensor error code, changed the sensor, and it has been fine since.

So unless you want to live with that little time bomb, we would suggest getting the sensor replaced :-)
Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: August 12, 2013 01:18PM

Re: Crankshaft Sensor....
When our crankshaft sensor went, there was also no CEL.

The problem showed up only periodically at first...the car would start fine in the AM. We would run it for about 10 minutes (to get coffee), stop, and would not restart. After waiting for about 30 minutes, it would restart fine and there would not be any problems. As the restarting problem was very sporatic, we did not gave it much thought. Actually drove it to NYC!

We ran the car this way for a few weeks, then one day, after having driven it for about 5 minutes, it cut out when making a slow left turn. Could not get it restarted after 30 minutes, but it DID restart after letting it sit for 2 hours while waiting for a tow truck to show up.

Drove it home. The local mechanic found the crankshaft position sensor error code, changed the sensor, and it has been fine since.

So unless you want to live with that little time bomb, we would suggest getting the sensor replaced :-)
Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: August 12, 2013 01:15PM

Re: Crankshaft Sensor....
When our crankshaft sensor went, there was also no CEL.

The problem showed up only periodically at first...the car would start fine in the AM. We would run it for about 10 minutes (to get coffee), stop, and would not restart. After waiting for about 30 minutes, it would restart fine and there would not be any problems. As the restarting problem was periodvery sporatic, we never did gave it much thought. Actually drove it to NYC!

We ran the car this way for a few weeks, then one day, after having driven it for about 5 minutes, it cut out when making a slow left turn. Could not get it restarted after 30 minutes, but it DID restart after letting it sit for 2 hours while waiting for a tow truck to show up.

Drove it home. The local mechanic found the crankshaft position sensor error code, changed the sensor, and it has been fine since.

So unless you want to live with that little time bomb, we would suggest getting the sensor replaced :-)

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: August 12, 2013 01:14PM

Re: Crankshaft Sensor....
When our crankshaft sensor went, there was also no CEL.

The problem showed up only periodically at first...the car would start fine in the AM. We would run it for about 10 minutes (to get coffee), stop, and would not restart. After waiting for about 30 minutes, it would restart fine and there would not be any problems. As the restarting problem was periodic, we never gave it much thought. Actually drove it to NYC!

We ran the car this way for a few weeks, then one day, after having driven it for about 5 minutes, it cut out when making a slow left turn. Could not get it restarted after 30 minutes, but it DID restart after letting it sit for 2 hours while waiting for a tow truck to show up.

Drove it home. The local mechanic found the crankshaft position sensor error code, changed the sensor, and it has been fine since.

So unless you want to live with that little time bomb, we would suggest getting the sensor replaced :-)