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Message: Found out this past winter that seat ventilation works well with seat heating.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: August 26, 2013 12:07AM

Found out this past winter that seat ventilation works well with seat heating.
The seat can be kept hotter to the point of sweating, yet the moisture is drawn off. Warm and dry is the way to go in cold weather. Oh, and an advantage of heated seats (and steering wheel) is that it makes for more comfortable top down driving in the colder months. Keep in mind the ventilation is drawing air [i]out[/i] of the seat

Also, the seat ventilation makes for less AC use, especially with the top down. Using AC and seat ventilation with the top down makes for some very comfortable summer driving.
Keep in mind the ventilation is drawing air [i]out[/i] of the seat

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: August 26, 2013 12:02AM

Found out this past winter that seat ventilation works well with seat heating.
The seat can be kept hotter to the point of sweating, yet the moisture is drawn off. Warm and dry is the way to go in cold weather. Oh, and an advantage of heated seats (and steering wheel) is that it makes for more comfortable top down driving in the colder months. Keep in mind the ventilation is drawing air [i]out[/i] of the seat
Also, the seat ventilation makes for less AC use, especially with the top down. Using AC and seat ventilation with the top down makes for some very comfortable summer driving.