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Message: Re: Asked a friend who is a lawyer -- he said everyone if it's your car, and everyone says it's no one..

Changed By: thom4782
Change Date: August 26, 2013 06:13PM

Re: Asked a friend who is a lawyer -- he said everyone if it's your car, and everyone says it's no one..
About 10 years ago, a large tree branch fifell on my car as I was driving down the road. All body panels except the driver's side door, the head and tail lights and the convertible top were damaged. My insurance paid all but the deductible. I sued the city for the deductible and won only because I was able to show that the city knew about a previous limb falling the year before. Otherwise, I would have had to show the city did not care reasonably for the tree, which would have been virtually impossible to do.

Original Message

Author: thom4782
Date: August 26, 2013 06:12PM

Re: Asked a friend who is a lawyer -- he said everyone if it's your car, and everyone says it's no one..
About 10 years ago, a large tree branch fill on my car as I was driving down the road. All body panels except the driver's side door, the head and tail lights and the convertible top were damaged. My insurance paid all but the deductible. I sued the city for the deductible and won only because I was able to show that the city knew about a previous limb falling the year before. Otherwise, I would have had to show the city did not care reasonably for the tree, which would have been virtually impossible to do.