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Message: And, isn't Cammisa's logic faulty?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: September 05, 2013 02:42AM

And, isn't Camismisa's logic faulty?
He says what makes the GT3 so brilliant is how much fun, etc. it is to drive on the [i]street.[/i] Doesn't the PDK make the GT3 more of a pure [i]track[/i] car?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: September 05, 2013 02:41AM

And, isn't Camissa's logic faulty?
He says what makes the GT3 so brilliant is how much fun, etc. it is to drive on the [i]street.[/i] Doesn't the PDK make the GT3 more of a pure [i]track[/i] car?