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Message: A bit more to it I think.....

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: September 05, 2013 10:34AM

Re: "Porsche Puts Two MA bit more Nails into it I the Manual Transmission’s Coffin"ink.....
The GT3 and Turbo get PDKs only because it eliminates the cost of R&D for a new transmission in a limited number of cars..[/quote]

I am not so sure that this was so simple, true of course, but there is more to it. I believe in a little conspiracy here to kill the manual. Porsche appears to have no problem de-featuring a car or making special editions for a limited market and then bumping up the price... Top Gear railed on this a few times... more for less. The marketing folks no doubt did some research and calculated how many sales were lost vs revenue/profit gained, but I think the accountants ruled with a longer-term view. Just kill the darn thing and make less stuff.

I view this as just another example of Porsche serving their stock holders (nothing wrong with this, as it is their fiduciary responsibility defined by law) and maximizing their profits. They discovered that making super high priced luxury goods is more profitable than making sports cars. Really pretty simple actually.

Bruce in Philly

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: September 05, 2013 10:34AM

Re: "Porsche Puts Two More Nails in the Manual Transmission’s Coffin"
The GT3 and Turbo get PDKs only because it eliminates the cost of R&D for a new transmission in a limited number of cars..[/quote]

I am not so sure that this was so simple, true of course, but there is more to it. I believe in a little conspiracy here to kill the manual. Porsche appears to have no problem de-featuring a car or making special editions for a limited market and then bumping up the price... Top Gear railed on this a few times... more for less. The marketing folks no doubt did some research and calculated how many sales were lost vs revenue/profit gained, but I think the accountants ruled with a longer-term view. Just kill the darn thing and make less stuff.

I view this as just another example of Porsche serving their stock holders (nothing wrong with this, as it is their fiduciary responsibility defined by law) and maximizing their profits. They discovered that making super high priced luxury goods is more profitable than making sports cars. Really pretty simple actually.

Bruce in Philly