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Message: IMS replaced interesting outcome

Changed By: Griff 03s
Change Date: September 13, 2013 05:06PM

IMS replaced interesting outcome
Just had my IMS replaced with an LN and was looking at the old one. It looked brand new, no cracks in the seals and tight. It did seem like motor oil was seeping out. Removed one of the seals and it was completely empty except for some motor oil. So much for being packed with grease. Good thing motor oil had seeped in. I believe I dodged the bullet.
Forgot to mention it's an 03S with 46,000 miles.




Original Message

Author: Griff 03s
Date: September 13, 2013 05:03PM

IMS replaced interesting outcome
Just had my IMS replaced with an LN and was looking at the old one. It looked brand new, no cracks in the seals and tight. It did seem like motor oil was seeping out. Removed one of the seals and it was completely empty except for some motor oil. So much for being packed with grease. Good thing motor oil had seeped in. I believe I dodged the bullet.


