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Message: My reasoning

Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: September 15, 2013 08:57AM

My reasoning
There is no question that the IMS bearing lubrication is a weakness in the M96 engine. However, due to scare tactics and other unethical marketing techniques of self-described "solution" provider(s) the magnitude of the issue has been blown way out of proportion.
This has the net effect of unnecessarily making people feel bad about their cars.

So when I see extreme language being used to describe what amounts to routine (albeit somewhat expensive) maintenance and people taking reasonable precautions my instinct is to rein in the language and be realistic and specific about what is really happening.

Thanks for your report. It's good to hear about what people are observing.

Original Message

Author: Boxsterra
Date: September 14, 2013 02:07PM

My reasoning
There is no question that the IMS bearing lubrication is a weakness in the M96 engine. However, due to scare tactics and other unethical marketing techniques of self-described "solution" provider(s) the magnitude of the issue has been blown way out of proportion.

So when I see extreme language being used to describe what amounts to routine (albeit somewhat expensive) maintenance and people taking reasonable precautions my instinct is to rein in the language and be realistic and specific about what is really happening.

Thanks for your report. It's good to hear about what people are observing.