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Message: Driver violated rule #2

Changed By: grant
Change Date: September 24, 2013 11:45AM

Driver violated rule #2
..... Since rule #1 is drive at a speed that you can stay on the track, ...

Rule #2 is: "If the car begins to spin, don';t try to save it - it will only spin you off the opposite side. rather, do the right theng and steer into the slide. Either bring the car to a rest or coax it back on the racing surface if the situation permits (or edmands, like runout vanishing)"

he tried to save it, as if turning the whel mroe would make the back tires catch hold. They didn't.

That said, collent may have made it very hadr to control in any event. That was my siisue that fateful dat at Lightning - oil/water made it snap-spin before i could correct (sufficiently).


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: September 24, 2013 11:43AM

Driver violated rule #2
..... Since rule #1 is drive at a speed that you can stay on the track, ...

Rule #2 is: "If the car begins to spin, don';t try to save it - it will only spin you off the opposite side. rather, do the right theng and steer into the slide. Either bring the car to a rest or coax it back on the racing surface if the situation permits (or edmands, like runout vanishing)"

he tried to save it, as if turning the whel mroe would make the back tires catch hold. They didn't.
