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Message: Hitting a deep puddle with a 912's rocker panel heat vents open = steam shooting out of everywhere

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: October 04, 2013 11:40AM

Hitting a deep puddle with a 912's rocker panel heat vents open = steam shooting out of everywhere,
including the pre-electric-heating rear window defroster vents. (The heat exchangers were built around the exhaust manifolds.) It looked lLike the opening a scene in "The Prisoner" where Patrick McGoohan gets gassed in a car after quitting thfrom some secret agency.
py movie.
Concerning no heat output, I vainly looked for an image of the "Generic Car" ad featuring Lee Iococca in the "Not The New York Times" parody: "If you're cold, wear a coat. If you're hot, take it off."
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: October 04, 2013 11:32AM

Hitting a deep puddle with a 912's rocker panel heat vents open = steam shooting out of everywhere,
including the pre-electric-heating rear window defroster vents. (The heat exchangers were built around the exhaust manifolds.) It looked like the opening scene in "The Prisoner" where Patrick McGoohan gets gassed in a car after quitting the secret agency.
Concerning no heat output, I vainly looked for an image of the "Generic Car" ad featuring Lee Iococca in the "Not The New York Times" parody: "If you're cold, wear a coat. If you're hot, take it off."

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: October 04, 2013 11:26AM

Hitting a puddle with a 912's rocker panel heat vents open = steam shooting out of everywhere,
including the pre-electric-heating rear window defroster vents. (The heat exchangers were built around the exhaust manifolds.) It looked like the opening scene in "The Prisoner" where Patrick McGoohan gets gassed in a car after quitting the secret agency.
Concerning no heat output, I vainly looked for an image of the "Generic Car" ad featuring Lee Iococca in the "Not The New York Times" parody: "If you're cold, wear a coat. If you're hot, take it off."