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Message: That's pretty hot. I dont have a oil temp guage in my boxster, but

Changed By: grant
Change Date: October 08, 2013 11:10AM

That's pretty hot. I dont have a oil temp guage in my boxster, but
In my Audi i typically run about 170-190 degF; on the track i have hit 230-240F. That was a hot day, running dfoot to floor pretty much all the time (pocono).

100 degC is simply the typical temp for hot viscosity measurements. Note there is no magic number; there's a fairly smoo9th viscosity curve vs temperature.

Now, go back and read again. I specifically said it si NOT BETTER. I specifically said it is APPLICATION DEPENDENT. 20w40 would perform better under hgih temps and loads and worse when cold. So for typical use, it would be in fact worse.

I can't be more clear.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: October 08, 2013 11:08AM

That's pretty hot. I dont have a oil temp guage in my boxster, but
In my Audi i typically run about 170-190 degF; on the track i have hit 230-240F. That was a hot day, running dfoot to floor pretty much all the time (pocono).

100 degC is simply the typical temp for hot viscosity measurements. Note there is no magic number; there's a fairly smoo9th viscosity curve vs temperature.

Now, go back and read again. I specifically said it si NOT BETTER. I specifically said it is APPLICATION DEPENDENT. 20w40 would perform better under hgih temps and loads and worse when cold. So for typical use, it would be in fact worse.

I can't be more clear.
