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Message: I know the care for aging parents thing... its incredibly demanding, but you're doing God's work...

Changed By: grant
Change Date: October 17, 2013 07:05PM

I know the care for aging parents thing....anyway its incredibly demanding, but you're doing God's work...
Brakes are stupidly easy. I do them track-side all the time. The only moderately complex thing is a track that you gave me, so i assume you now it ( fully extend - carefully - clean the pistons well so they don't seize up).


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: October 17, 2013 07:03PM

I know the care for aging parents thing....anyway
Brakes are stupidly easy. I do them track-side all the time. The only moderately complex thing is a track that you gave me, so i assume you now it ( fully extend - carefully - clean the pistons well so they don't seize up).
