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Message: Epic GT3 battle at VIR

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: November 14, 2013 09:07AM

Epic GT3 battle at VIR
Video from NNJPCA event Nov1-3--black group.
The car shooting the video is a 996 cup car; the orange and blue car he's chasing in the second half of the video is a 2011GT3 RS
owned by one of the guys in our group and driven by pro driver John Lewis.

The only similarities between my driving and his is that I was up on the curbs nearly as much as he was :).
150 mph on the back straight, 145 on the front and going through the S's at nearly 120....yipes!

Open passing--anywhere;there's segment where he passes an older 911 in front of the start stop line and I don't think the older car saw him or gave him a pass..


Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: November 14, 2013 09:00AM

Epic GT3 battle at VIR
Video from NNJPCA event Nov1-3--black group.
The car shooting the video is a 996 cup car; the orange and blue he's chasing is a 2011GT3 RS
owned by one of the guys in our group and driven by pro driver John Lewis.

The only similarities between my driving and his is that I was up on the curbs nearly as much as he was :).
150 mph on the back straight, 145 on the front and going through the S's at nearly 120....yipes!

Open passing--anywhere;there's segment where he passes an older 911 in front of the start stop line and I don't think the older car saw him or gave him a pass..
