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Message: Most of those sounds can come from ....

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: January 12, 2014 10:01AM

Most of those soy de sounds can come from ....
... the various suspension components, as noted by others, but also don't overlook the engine and tranny mounts.
The two engine mounts are easy to inspect.
You can cleat rly see if any one is leaking from underneath.
If leaking it won't be much, but any leakage indicates it's done.
To inspect the tranny mount you'll have go remove the gtranny's under panel.
The rubber mount is exactly the same as the Boxster's front engine mount, so they suffer from the same malady.
Happy Porscheing

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: January 12, 2014 09:59AM

Most of those soy de can come from ....
... the various suspension components, as noted by others, but also don't overlook the engine and tranny mounts.
The two engine mounts are easy to inspect.
You can cleat see if any one is leaking from underneath.
If leaking it won't be much, but any leakage indicates it's done.
To inspect the tranny mount you'll have go remove the granny's under panel.
The rubber mount is exactly the same as the Boxster's front engine mount, so they suffer from the same malady.
Happy Porscheing