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Message: Well, what i did learn is that with a TIP, you can set up downshifts

Changed By: grant
Change Date: January 13, 2014 02:52PM

Well, what i did learn is that with a TIP, you can set up downshifts
At VIR the ACNJ president and PCA chief instructor is a friend. Listening to me grouse about my S6's lethargy int he shifting department, he insisted that if i'm barreling down the striaght, i can downshift a couple of punches, and then do the usual stand-on thebrakes routine, and it will execute the downshifts when the rpms and speed are right.

And it did.

trepidation city when you downshift to 2nd at 120 mph.

Example #2. yestrerday, after my skiing was rianed out, i down home via family in Mass/VT and the scenic route down the Taconic parkway to the Saw Mill to 2787 etc. Lots of very curvey, narrow highway.

I basically moved through traffic, smoothly, for 4 hours. By the end, it was holding gears and i basically could not make it upshift. It decuided we were on a race track. So there is a bit of learning andhysteresis built in, yes.

Example #3: I've driven students' 991/981s with tips at AX and they will shift FAST ( and likely better than me). I do typically use sport or sport+, and early on they do get confused ( back to that learning).


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: January 13, 2014 02:47PM

Well, what i did learn is that with a TIP, you can set up downshifts
At VIR the ACNJ president and PCA chief instructor is a friend. Listening to me grouse about my S6's lethargy int he shifting department, he insisted that if i'm barreling down the striaght, i can downshift a couple of punches, and then do the usual stand-on thebrakes routine, and it will execute the downshifts when the rpms and speed are right.

And it did.

trepidation city when you downshift to 2nd at 120 mph.
