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Message: Again, I'm not expert but

Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: February 15, 2014 09:51AM

Again, I'm not expert but
A good lawyer should be able to scare the pants off them with concerns that he will prevail in court. Just avoiding PR makes it worth a fair amount for them to settle with you.
And the cost of going to court for them is something they will want to avoid, especially if your lawyer has some compelling arguments.

You can always get a consult with another lawyer. Aggressive and persistent lawyers can accomplish a lot, especially when they are paid on a contingency basis.

Original Message

Author: Boxsterra
Date: February 15, 2014 09:50AM

Again, I'm not expert but
A good lawyer should be able to scare the pants off them with concerns that he will prevail in court. Just avoiding PR makes it worth a fair amount for them to settle with you.

You can always get a consult with another lawyer. Aggressive and persistent lawyers can accomplish a lot, especially when they are paid on a contingency basis.