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Message: Re: Can't understand why if you blame Seafoam for what happened to your two-stroke engine why...

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: March 07, 2014 11:08AM

Re: Can't understand why if you blame Seafoam for what happened to your two-stroke engine why...

+1; in the 15 years we've been driving Boxsters we've always used Stabil mixed with a fresh tank of gas before storage and I've never had a problem. IIRC, excessive heat will affect the quality of your gasoline over a period of time more than anything.[/quote]

That's why I drive as much as possible when the weather gets hot. Just don't want the gas going bad on me. ;)

Speaking of hot, temperature it's is finally supposed to crack the 32 F mark this PM, for the first time in over a month. (:D
Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: March 07, 2014 11:07AM

Re: Can't understand why if you blame Seafoam for what happened to your two-stroke engine why...

+1; in the 15 years we've been driving Boxsters we've always used Stabil mixed with a fresh tank of gas before storage and I've never had a problem. IIRC, excessive heat will affect the quality of your gasoline over a period of time more than anything.[/quote]

That's why I drive as much as possible when the weather gets hot. Just don't want the gas going bad on my. ;)

Speaking of hot, temperature is finally supposed to crack the 32 F mark this PM, for the first time in over a month. (:D
That's why I drive as much as possible when the weather gets hot. Just don't want the gas going bad on me. ;)

Speaking of hot, temperature it's finally supposed to crack the 32 F mark this PM, for the first time in over a month. (:D

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: March 07, 2014 11:06AM

Re: Can't understand why if you blame Seafoam for what happened to your two-stroke engine why...

+1; in the 15 years we've been driving Boxsters we've always used Stabil mixed with a fresh tank of gas before storage and I've never had a problem. IIRC, excessive heat will affect the quality of your gasoline over a period of time more than anything.[/quote]

That's why I drive as much as possible when the weather gets hot. Just don't want the gas going bad on my. ;)

Speaking of hot, temperature is finally supposed to crack the 32 F mark this PM, for the first time in over a month. (:D