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Message: Looks like Porsche is raising the price of Boxsters - maybe if you're ordering a 2015?

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: March 13, 2014 06:03PM

Looks like Porsche is raising the price of Boxsters - maybe if you're ordering a 2015?
On the new website, when you click on Boxster and Boxster S, you still get the old pricing.

Go to build a Boxster and prices are up.

Canadian Boxster up $1.2K and S $1.3K

US Boxster up about $1K for and S $1.2K for the S.

Just an FYI for anyone thinking of buying or ordering one

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: March 13, 2014 06:02PM

Looks like Porsche is raising the price of Boxsters - maybe if you're ordering a 2015?
On the new website, when you click on Boxster and Boxster S, you still get the old pricing.

Go to build a Boxster and prices are up.

Canadian Boxster up $1.2K and S $1.3K

US Boxster up about $1K for and $1.2K for the S.

Just an FYI for anyone thinking of buying or ordering one