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Message: I've been expecting something like that since ...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: May 09, 2014 07:48AM

I've been expecting something like that since ...
... Herr Piëtch started running the show.


When he was head of Motorsports at Porsche in the late 60s and 70s he was responsible for Porsche's dominance on the tracks with the 906s through the 917s.
He then went to Audi and was responsible for the development of the Quattro model to take on the World Rally Championship.
Now with great influence over Porsche again, he has been heard to say that he's had it with Ferrari's dominance with their mid-engined cars and that Porsche had to go back to it's winning roots.
He's in part responsible for getting Porsche back at Lemans running with the big boys, not just the GTs.
Let's see how the do next month.

It's about time!
Happy Porscheing,
Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: May 08, 2014 08:31PM

I've been expecting something like that since ...
... Herr Piëtch started running the show.


When he was head of Motorsports at Porsche in the late 60s and 70s he was responsible for Porsche's dominance on the tracks with the 906s through the 917s.
He then went to Audi and was responsible for the development of the Quattro model to take on the World Rally Championship.
Now with great influence onover Porsche again, he has been heard to say that he's had it with Ferrari's dominance with their mid-engined cars and that Porsche had to back to it's winning roots.

It's about time!
Happy Porscheing,

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: May 08, 2014 05:57PM

I've been expecting something like that since ...
... Herr Piëtch started running the show.


When he was head of Motorsports at Porsche in the late 60s and 70s he was responsible for Porsche's dominance on the tracks with the 906s through the 917s.
He then went to Audi and was responsible for the development of the Quattro model to take on the World Rally Championship.
Now with great influence oner Porsche again, he has been heard to say that he's had it with Ferrari's dominance with their mid-engined cars and that Porsche had to back to it's winning roots.

It's about time!
Happy Porscheing,