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Message: "50 years of 911" on velocity

Changed By: grant
Change Date: May 31, 2014 10:31AM

"50 years of 911" on velocity
I happened to see this one-hour retro/comparison drive. Surprisingly good - two drivers (from "everyday cars", which appears to be mysterious on the 'net) drive one each of the 8 generations on the same mountain roads, giving their impression and making comparisons. Much more than a fluff piece - the sad result is, after watching, I want one of each (mostly).

Now off to France....


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: May 31, 2014 10:31AM

"50 years of 911" on velocity
I happened to see this one-hour retro/comparison drive. Surprisingly good - two drivers (from "everyday cars", which appears to be mysterious on the 'net) drive one each of the 8 generations on the same mountain roads, giving their impression and making comparisons. Much more than a fluff piece - the sad result is, after watching, I want one of each (mostly).
