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Message: Re: Some interesting tech data on the 981 I came across that I didn't know

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 06, 2014 08:59PM

Re: Some interesting tech data on the 981 I came across that I didn't know
Numbers per MikenOH's post
1. It's almost weird that the temperature can actually be dropped. Apparently I've not driven my car hard enough to cause that.
2. Half thought out conjecture: I [i]think[/i] they are gear ramp angles (or something like that) values [i]or[/i] a left/right torque differential (as a percentage) above (below?) which the wheels are decoupled. No matter what values these numbers represent, it's likely a fairly mild as its for a street car (nobody wants either rear wheel to be overdriven versus either side of the car's "ground speed." ) Also, it likely takes into account the car's other traction (stability) controls. I got PTV because in a quest to maximize all-weather capability.
3. Yeah, the tranny cooling is quite something. I've got so-called dealer only technical paper and its description of the cooling system having all sorts of programming is just one amazing part of the car's technology.
4. My car always and only displays 200º F at full operating temperature. I asked my dealer if it could be programmed to show the real temperatures when it's above that, but they said they couldn't. The ruler gauge also seems to correspond to that maximum although it's got a red zone at far right. I wonder, but don't want to find out, if at some really high, but not dangerous, temperature the gauge indicator resumes moving toward the red zone.
5. Someone else will have to do the math/geometry on this.

Numbers per Guenter's post
1. See 1 above.
2. See 2 above (not sure if it helps or is confusing.)
3. Nice, clear shot of the thing. (986s and 7s don't have it?)
4. Don't understand the point of seeing 194 max instead of 200. See 4 above.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 06, 2014 08:40PM

Re: Some interesting tech data on the 981 I came across that I didn't know
Numbers per MikenOH's post
1. It's almost weird that the temperature can actually be dropped. Apparently I've not driven my car hard enough to cause that.
2. Half thought out conjecture: I [i]think[/i] they are gear ramp angles (or something like that) values [i]or[/i] a left/right torque differential (as a percentage) above (below?) which the wheels are decoupled. No matter what values these numbers represent, it's likely a fairly mild as its for a street car (nobody wants either rear wheel to be overdriven versus either side of the car's "ground speed." ) Also, it likely takes into account the car's other traction (stability) controls. I got PTV because in a quest to maximize all-weather capability.
3. Yeah, the tranny cooling is quite something. I've got so-called dealer only technical paper and its description of the cooling system having all sorts of programming is just one amazing part of the car's technology.
4. My car always and only displays 200º F at full operating temperature. I asked my dealer if it could be programmed to show the real temperatures when it's above that, but they said they couldn't. The ruler gauge also seems to correspond to that maximum although it's got a red zone at far right. I wonder, but don't want to find out, if at some really high, but not dangerous, temperature the gauge indicator resumes moving toward the red zone.
5. Someone else will have to do the math/geometry on this.

Numbers per Guenter's post
1. See 1 above.
2. See 2 above (not sure if it helps or is confusing.)
3. Nice, clear shot of the thing. (986s and 7s don't have it?)
4. Don't understand the point of seeing 194 max instead of 200. See 4 above.