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Message: Menu software update done by dealer along with oil change. (slight edit)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 30, 2014 12:35PM

Menu software update done by dealer along with oil change. (slight edit)
It had something to do with notifications displaying too early, I think, but it still shows Service at 34900; 12/2017, not that I care. I had to reenter several of my preferred parameters, and I noticed the coolant temp now maxes at 194 instead of 200 as others have mentioned here. When I first noticed, the oil temp was also reading 194 and I'm thinking, oh no, now I can't get a true reading at least from the oil! Turns out it was pure coincidence, as the temperature rose to maybe 220. I think the software might affect how the coolant-oil system interface works, as the "average" around town oil temperature is maybe 10º lower than what I used to expect from the ambient/internal conditions. This of course, is a very preliminary observation.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 30, 2014 12:34PM

Menu software update done by dealer along with oil change.
It had something to do with notifications displaying too early, I think, but it still shows Service at 34900; 12/2017, not that I care. I had to reenter several of my preferred parameters, and I noticed the coolant temp now maxes at 194 instead of 200 as others have mentioned here. When I first noticed, the oil temp was also reading 194 and I'm thinking, oh no, now I can't get a true reading at least from the oil! Turns out it was pure coincidence, as the temperature rose to maybe 220. I think the software might affect how the coolant-oil system interface works, as the "average" around town oil temperature is maybe 10º lower than what I used to expect from the ambient/internal conditions. This of course, is a very preliminary observation.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 30, 2014 12:29PM

Menu software update done by dealer along with oil change.
It had something to do with notifications displaying too early, I think, but it still shows Service at 34900; 12/2017, not that I care. I had to reenter several of my preferred parameters, and I noticed the coolant temp now maxes at 194 instead of 200 as others have mentioned here. When I first noticed, the oil temp was also reading 194 and I'm thinking, oh no, now I can't get a true reading at least from the oil! Turns out it was pure coincidence, as the temperature rose to maybe 220. I think the software might affect how the coolant-oil system interface works, as the "average" around oil temperature is maybe 10º lower than what I used to expect from the ambient/internal conditions.