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Message: Puddle of oil behind passenger side front tire.

Changed By: CK in Chatham NJ
Change Date: February 01, 2011 11:36PM

Puddle of oil behind passenger side front tire.
I havent driven my Boxster in about a month and while in the garage today (to get some salt to throw on the walk way in front of my house) I noticed a large oil stain in the cement behind the passenger side front wheel. It appeared to be oil, but it was really black and smelled like maple syrup. I am using Castrol Syntec 5W40 which doesnt look anything like this. I dont have many miles since my last oil change so wouldnt expect black oil unless this is power steering fluid. The oil appeared to be coming from the around the drain pipe that releases water behind the wheel. Do you guys know if there is an oil line there that could have cracked or worse yet a mouse chewed through? The oil must be dripping slowly as I didnt see any drip while there. Does anyone have any ideas?

Original Message

Author: CK in Chatham NJ
Date: February 01, 2011 11:02PM

Puddle of oil behind passenger side front tire.
I havent driven my Boxster in about a month and while in the garage today (to get some salt to throw on the walk way in front of my house) I noticed a large oil stain in the cement behind the passenger side front wheel. It appeared to be oil, but it was really black and smelled like maple syrup. I am using Castrol Syntec 5W40 which doesnt look anything like this. I dont have many miles since my last oil change so wouldnt expect black oil unless this is power steering fluid. The oil appeared to be coming from the around the drain pipe that releases water behind the wheel. Do you guys know if there is an oil line there that could have cracked or worse yet a mouse chewed through? The oil must be dripping slowly as I didnt see any drip while there. Does anyone have any ideas?