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Message: Was it really that perfect back then?

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: September 08, 2014 11:03PM

Re: Thanks for postingWas it really that perfect back then?

The paint on the DB2 Mark lll is gorgeous.[/quote]

I wonder sometimes if these cars aren't actually better than what came out of the factory. These owners have Bucket's O' Money and they do whatever it takes to make them fantastic.

Regardless, I love seeing these cars. One thing that jumps out at you when you examine the engines and system technology, is that there is not much new today. If you take out the electronic controls systems (ECU) of today, and consequently, what they enable, newer cars are pretty much the same stuff. The old engineers envisioned the stuff we have today.... either the control systems didn;t exist or the costs were prohibitive.... but they knew what to do. Its all in there.

Now if you like your classics in the raw, try the Simeone museum near the Philly airport. Just wow!!! Dr Simeone wants real race cars and wants them in the condition they were raced.... with tape and dents and rubber marks. The real deal...... No foot-deep paint. You must go to this meseum once in your life.


Bruce in Philly

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: September 08, 2014 11:01PM

Re: Thanks for posting

The paint on the DB2 Mark lll is gorgeous.[/quote]

I wonder sometimes if these cars aren't actually better than what came out of the factory. These owners have Bucket's O' Money and they do whatever it takes to make them fantastic.

Regardless, I love seeing these cars. One thing that jumps out at you when you examine the engines and system technology, is that there is not much new today. If you take out the electronic controls systems (ECU) of today, newer cars are pretty much the same stuff. The old engineers envisioned the stuff we have today.... either the control systems didn;t exist or the costs were prohibitive.... but they knew what to do. Its all in there.

Now if you like your classics in the raw, try the Simeone museum near the Philly airport. Just wow!!! Dr Simeone wants real race cars and wants them in the condition they were raced.... with tape and dents and rubber marks. The real deal...... No foot-deep paint. You must go to this meseum once in your life.


Bruce in Philly