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Message: Interesting perspectives...

Changed By: r9i8c7k
Change Date: February 03, 2011 03:18PM

Interesting perspectives...
I like "Bruce in Philly"'s and "db997s" perspectives and optimism. Anecdotally , I have recently seen an uptick in the number of new Boxsters and Panameras on the road. A majority of them driven by females.

While I would like to be positive about the uptick potential in the economy I am still very suspicious about good news on the economy. Most State budgets are still bleeding red, the commercial real estate market is a disaster, the Federal Government is spending, printing and borrowing money like a drunk sailor.

Let's hope the Porsche numbers keep climbing...

Original Message

Author: r9i8c7k
Date: February 03, 2011 03:17PM

Interesting perspectives...
I like "Bruce in Philly"'s and "db997s" perspectives and optimism. Anecdotally , I have recently seen an uptick in the number of new Boxsters and Panameras on the road. A majority of them driven by females.

While I would like to be positive about the uptick potential in economy I am still very suspicious about good news on the economy. Most State budgets are still bleeding red, the commercial real estate market is a disaster, the Federal Government is spending, printing and borrowing money like a drunk sailor.

Let's hope the Porsche numbers keep climbing...