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Message: Nevermind (answered my own question)

Changed By: grant
Change Date: October 24, 2014 07:25PM

Nevermind (answered my own question)
A bit of thinking and a quick look at the shop manual confirmed that my idea was garbage.

Changed By: grant
Change Date: October 24, 2014 07:24PM

Work with me here - cracked plug isolation tube....Nevermind
I don't have enough data to say much, but my car, which was using a lot of oil, running poorly, oil all over exterior of motor, and various other maladies (got much worse at and after track days at Lightning) turned out, among other things, to have a cracked spark plug isolation tube.

No one really felt comfortable with the bundle of small things they foudn and fixed, but i must say its clean, running better, and kicked that dirty habit of smoking.

So here's a wild thesis: Could the cracked tube result in leakage from the cylinder to the crankcase or head, resulting in hgih pressure that caused oil usage, and the failure of not just one but two AoS baffles, within weeks/months?

Overall i have hgih hopes that i got off cheap ( despite leak-downs, compression tests, and alignment that was in another galaxy), yet I and the top-notch mechanics who worked on it are at a bit of a loss to explain everything.

I'll keep you all posted when i know something more. Any speculation?
A bit of thinking and a quick look at the shop manual confirmed that my idea was garbage.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: October 24, 2014 07:03PM

Work with me here - cracked plug isolation tube....
I don't have enough data to say much, but my car, which was using a lot of oil, running poorly, oil all over exterior of motor, and various other maladies (got much worse at and after track days at Lightning) turned out, among other things, to have a cracked spark plug isolation tube.

No one really felt comfortable with the bundle of small things they foudn and fixed, but i must say its clean, running better, and kicked that dirty habit of smoking.

So here's a wild thesis: Could the cracked tube result in leakage from the cylinder to the crankcase or head, resulting in hgih pressure that caused oil usage, and the failure of not just one but two AoS baffles, within weeks/months?

Overall i have hgih hopes that i got off cheap ( despite leak-downs, compression tests, and alignment that was in another galaxy), yet I and the top-notch mechanics who worked on it are at a bit of a loss to explain everything.

I'll keep you all posted when i know something more. Any speculation?
