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Message: Agreed, of course. Which is why...

Changed By: grant
Change Date: December 16, 2014 08:13AM

Agreed, of course. Which is why...
(since you chose to go there)

Under other severe circumstances i also deviate from the norm and select a more appropriate grade.

That's not agonizing, that's simple science.
If hot, you need an oil that will maintain its intended properties under the circumstances it must operate in.

Now back to the intended topic - what i am referring to is folks who worry about this brand vs that brand vs 0w40 vs 5w40 vs whatever.

In the large, it doesn't matter. A fresh oil that is in grade, with additives and buffers, is better than a perfect oil which has lost viscosity at the top end, gained it at the bottom end, is 3% fuel, and a pH of 4. or whatever.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: December 16, 2014 08:07AM

Agreed, of course. Which is why...
(since you chose to go there)

Under other severe circumstances i also deviate from the norm and select a more appropriate grade.

That's not agonizing, that's simple science.
If hot, you need an oil that will maintain its intended properties under the circumstances it must operate in.
