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Message: Actually, be very careful with pickle forks - they can damage the Ball Joint boot. Anyway...

Changed By: grant
Change Date: February 06, 2011 09:57AM

Actually, b be very careful with pickl e forks - they can damage the Ball Joint boot. Anyway...
i have no experience, but the reality is that you need to pry them apart. So i'd figure that some form of pry bar and fulcrum should work. Big screwdriver along with another to be a fulcrum?


you may be heading to your FLAPS tomorrow.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: February 06, 2011 09:57AM

Actually, b very careful with pickl forks - they can damage the Ball Joint boot. Anyway...
i have no experience, but the reality is that you need to pry them apart. So i'd figure that some form of pry bar and fulcrum should work. Big screwdriver along with another to be a fulcrum?


you may be heading to your FLAPS tomorrow.
