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Message: Well, well

Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: February 27, 2015 06:05PM

Well, well
Early this morning, I was awakened by a phone call.. Even though the person on the other end immediately identified himself, it took me a moment to realize he was the fellow who owns the barn where I store my Porsche (and this year, my 15 year old BMW) for the winter.

Even before he uttered the next few words, I had a sense this wasn't a good call.

He said: "Roger, last night we had a devastating fire".

Then, silence...

I asked him the question, the answer to which I already knew.

"Both cars are gone."

Those of you who know me, and any who have read my posts from the time I bought my Boxster in the spring of 2007, know how much I cherished that car. Many will recall that a few years ago, I had the car disassembled and repainted GT Silver. One does that only for a 'keeper'.

I cannot begin to describe the joy my Boxster has given me. We shared countless good times, many miles, and many smiles. It spoke to me, indulged me, protected me, and responded, in kind, to my attention and care.

My Boxster and I experienced an exquisitely symbiotic relationship.

I remember being told (taught?) in elementary school, that we cannot love inanimate objects, that love is an emotion we feel only for living things. As it happens, my Boxster was, to me, very much a living thing.

In years gone by, I have parted with vehicles of which I was fond - the motorcycle I owned throughout my high school and university years, and later, my first and only new car - a '79 Chev four-door which I kept for many, many years. But the loss of my cherished Boxster, through destruction by fire, feels [u]entirely[/u] different. Though this may sound dramatic, it's as though I let it down, and not in a small way.

I hasten to add that I do not compare this, in any sense, to the loss of a loved human, or dear pet.

But, I'll tell you, it's a very sad day, nonetheless.









Original Message

Author: Roger987
Date: February 27, 2015 06:02PM

Well, well
Early this morning, I was awakened by a phone call.. Even though the person on the other end immediately identified himself, it took me a moment to realize he was the fellow who owns the barn where I store my Porsche (and this year, my BMW) for the winter.

Even before he uttered the next few words, I had a sense this wasn't a good call.

He said: "Roger, last night we had a devastating fire".

Then, silence...

I asked him the question, the answer to which I already knew.

"Both cars are gone."

Those of you who know me, and any who have read my posts from the time I bought my Boxster in the spring of 2007, know how much I cherished that car. Many will recall that a few years ago, I had the car disassembled and repainted GT Silver. One does that only for a 'keeper'.

I cannot begin to describe the joy my Boxster has given me. We shared countless good times, many miles, and many smiles. It spoke to me, indulged me, protected me, and responded, in kind, to my attention and care.

My Boxster and I experienced an exquisitely symbiotic relationship.

I remember being told (taught?) in elementary school, that we cannot love inanimate objects, that love is an emotion we feel only for living things. As it happens, my Boxster was, to me, very much a living thing.

In years gone by, I have parted with vehicles of which I was fond - the motorcycle I owned throughout my high school and university years, and later, my first and only new car - a '79 Chev four-door which I kept for many, many years. But the loss of my cherished Boxster, through destruction by fire, feels [u]entirely[/u] different. Though this may sound dramatic, it's as though I let it down, and not in a small way.

I hasten to add that I do not compare this, in any sense, to the loss of a loved human, or dear pet.

But, I'll tell you, it's a very sad day, nonetheless.







