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Message: Air bag fault light work around for 2006 Cayman S

Changed By: ocgarza
Change Date: March 08, 2015 07:30PM

Air bag fault light work around for 2006 Cayman S
I have a 2006 Cayman S with 39,000 miles. Porsche dealer in Houston wants $4,000 to fix the passenger side air bag fault light. I was told there that the assembly under the passenger seat must be warped and the whole assembly under the seat must be replaced. Estimate was $4k. Anyone have a workaround? I'm pretty good at wrenching and could replace the electrical assembly if it is warped.

Original Message

Author: ocgarza
Date: March 08, 2015 07:30PM

Air bag fault light work around
I have a 2006 Cayman S with 39,000 miles. Porsche dealer in Houston wants $4,000 to fix the passenger side air bag fault light. I was told there that the assembly under the passenger seat must be warped and the whole assembly under the seat must be replaced. Estimate was $4k. Anyone have a workaround? I'm pretty good at wrenching and could replace the electrical assembly if it is warped.